Halifax Hurricanes Ringette Association By-Laws (REVISED - JUNE 13, 2024)
The Halifax Hurricanes Ringette Association Board of Directors is currently undertaking a full review of our Policies. As updated and new policies are approved they will be posted here. The current policy manual below will remain posted until such time the revisions are completed. If there are revised policies listed, the revised policy will replace any section in the HALIFAX HURRICANES POLICY MANUAL.
As per the current policy manual:
Alterations to Policies
No alteration in, or addition to these rules of the Halifax Hurricanes may be made except at the AGM or at a special meeting convened specifically for that purpose.
The Board of Directors may make a recommendation to alter any policy as they see fit for the betterment of the Association during the season. Any alterations, additions, and/or deletions to these rules (in season), must be approved by 2/3 majority vote and these policies shall only remain in force until the next AGM, where they shall be presented and ratified by vote or cease to exist.
2.0 Athlete Safety Policy (NEW - September 20, 2024)
10.0 Athlete Affiliation Policy (NEW - September 30, 2024)
13.0 Transgender Inclusion Policy (NEW - August 25, 2024)
21.0 Rates and Fees Policy (NEW - August 25, 2024)
22.0 Equipment Rental Policy (NEW - August 25, 2024)